Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Introducing the "Himbo" (Male Bimbo)

This is a word coined by Definition- "A male
bimbo, who uses his good looks but is superficial and unintelligent."
I was the gym this morning watching the Today's Show, as is my
normal morning routine, and this perfect segment came on.
I was talking to a few friends about how independent women
have it harder then stupid bimbos. I guess it's true what they
say, ignorance is bliss. None the less a friend of mine was insisting
that he is far more interested in women who have something to say,
how are independent and don't put up with nonsense. Especially
from men. His point was that if he ever had a daughter, she would
be inclined to emulate her mother's behavior. He really wanted his
daughter to be a strong person. Bravo to you, you know who you are.
You are without the only person I've ever heard those words from!

Generally speaking I think that independent, successful women have
a tougher time. This himbo segment on TV reminded me of this.
They were saying the new trend is for successful women to sport
some eye candy on their arms. That is kind of sad, no? Of course
the most famous himbo sited was K-Fed. Per the
definition, is he a really a himbo? According to that definition, a
himbo is someone who uses his "good looks." He is the greasiest,
most transparent, not talent bum ever...he ain't hot!

I think intelligence is one of the sexiest qualities a guy can have.
Next to humor and kindness of course. I've gone out on a few dates
with some really air headed men and it ended up being an early night!
I suppose that is why I dig guys with glasses, there is always that
sense of intelligence, I realize it's a little vain. Doesn't someone's
personality make or break them? Maybe I'm being ridiculous and
idealistic, but if someone is really that dumb, no way I'm going
to be in to it.

While it's debatable whether or not this guy was an idiot or just a
jerk...I didn't realize we were on a date. In fact (this before I got
my present gig) it was supposed to be an informational interview.
Well this Bloomberg TV anchor clearly had the wrong idea.
After trying to impress me by telling me all about his used Saturn,
he grabbed my hand and told me if I wanted to get anywhere in
this business I would need to learn how to flirt more.

  • Firstly, I' am a flirt...don't need much help there!
  • Secondly, I prefer to get a job because of my resume
  • and intelligence/ability, not because I flirted with
  • some anchor who seems very impressed with himself
  • and his used Saturn.
  • Thirdly, ewwww.

He proceeded to swing me around in my chair and tell me I
needed to "fix my body language when I was talking to him."
That would be about the time I excused myself to go to the
bathroom and DID NOT COME BACK! HAH!

What I'm trying to say is, how could anyone date/be interested
in a moron or someone with a such a craptastic personality.
If it's just sex, well that is something that can always be improved.
Unfortunately, in terms of are who you are. So
for any himbo's reading my blog-If you can both read and comprehend
this post, I'm impressed. Now take a hike!


Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...

How did you go on that date in the first place? Odd...too funny. I will have to link this funny story to my blog...Welcome to the casting couch, you have the personality and smarts, but the part calls for you bending over to talk to small short people....heehee!

TaraMetBlog said...

I'm going to have start using himbo now.

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