Thursday, May 11, 2006

Someone Upstairs Officially Hates Me!!!

I was literally telling a friend at her New Years party, "I hope
that tapered pants never come back! If you are going to bring
something back from the 80's please make it the music." So here
we are, a matter of months later and what seems to be back in
style? "Skinny jeans," aka peg leg or tapered jeans. Why God,
WHY???? This was never a good look! Trust me it is not flattering
to anyone! Even emaciated models look bad in these! What the hell
posses people to revive these damn pants? Seriously, when
did dressing like a pirate (peg leg) become hip? Please let me
know when sporting a fake metal hook arm becomes the rage!
I wonder if people will be walking around with pirates on their
shoulders as opposed to those little Tinker-Bell-ish designer dogs.

The eighties were a time of Ragenism, of polo shirts, of mullets,
teased hair(bangs), and of great music. Influential bands like The
Cure, The Smiths, Squeeze and Psychedelic Furs took the stage. It
was indeed a great decade for the tunes. Fashion, well... That's another
story. Let's just say the 80's were not the epitome of glamour
(ahem Cyndi Lauper). To fashion gurus every where if you are
planning to resuscitate and or encourage any more 80's fashions,
please let me know so I can buy stock in Aquinet!

I would officially like to go one record as saying-The moment I
see but one pair of Cavariccis, I'm moving!!

1 comment:

Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...

Oh...The Cure...Heaven 17...The Mode...what about the neon shirts, Z-Cavs and creepers...weee! A great time my friend, don't turn your back on it you square peg

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