Friday, May 05, 2006

Thanks for $100.00..."Dr." Frist!

I have to admit, the rising price of gas makes me damn glad I sold my car
when I moved to NYC. Unfortunately, that doesn't make me immune to
the insanely high price of gas! While I use public transportation, the cost
of my monthly pass will soon be going up to prevent the MTA and NJTransit
from going under. Price of groceries and of general consumer goods will
also be skyrocketing to keep respective producers a float.

Well it looks like a major class divide is up ahead. Pretty soon extreme
commuters won't be able to afford getting to work and the average
commuter will have to reduce spending in other areas. This is so ridiculous!
It costs about $75.00 to now fill up a minivan and about $50.00 for your
typical SUV.

So what's the solution? Here are a few of the brilliant suggestions the
current administration has made!

Ask the EPA to lift bans

You know this is my favorite course of action because; we don't need
the polar ice caps anyway. I mean, what are they really good for?
What is so bad about adding a few extra feet to the current sea level?
Protecting animal species and the environment is stupid anyway!
Greenhouse effect please ain't no such thing! Global warming?
What a joke! (Note sarcasm)

Make public Bill Frist's brilliant idea of refunding all tax payers $100.00

I make no secret of the fact that I cannot stand Republican Majority Leader “Dr.” Bill Frist. I think he is a heartless, moronic, puppet. In fact I believe he is the reason that malpractice is sky high! His suggestion of refunding all tax payers $100.00 is insulting. Does he realize that not only will that fill up ONE tank's worth of gas? So basically he wants to issue refunds that will essentially be going straight back into the pockets of the oil companies?! What the hell is that? What a brilliant freaking suggestion. So is that supposed to increase morale? Brilliant, getting a refund which is then spent on oil (in some capacity) really makes me feel like I'm getting ahead financially! Please! Unless it's a monthly refund, how does this help at all?

In writing this I think I figured out the solution to the entire economic deficit we are all now facing. I think the government should setup a big top on the white house lawn and charge people according to the following menu:

Pay to Punch (above the belt) /Pay to punch (below the belt)
Bush: 100.00 /200.00
Cheney: 75.00 /150.00
Rumsfeld: 75.00/150.00
Rice: 50.00 /100.00

I think that will fix everything!

1 comment:

Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...

I'll take 100.00 bucks for free...but I'm a sucker and don't really see down the road.

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