Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Morning Rant-Can you Please Teach me how to be a Conservative?

Outside of Denver Colorado a public high school geography
teacher (Jay Bennish) sits at home on paid leave.
In a speech to the class Bennish compared Bush to Hitler.
It just makes me laugh. Bennish is far from the first
person to draw this comparison.

If you listen to the whole tape, Bennish sounds (at least to me),
to be playing devil's advocate. He was provoking class discussion.
DEAR GOD, NOT THAT! Is it seriously a crime to
encourage thought outside the box? If you listen to the
whole damn tape, Bennish's spiel was about encouraging
"More in depth thought."

In any event, 16 year old Sean Allen recorded the class
lecture. Allen's father took the recording and released
it to local radio stations, creating a bit of a stir. *Is that
even legal without the permission of Bennish? Isn't that
defamation of character?*

The public school then began to investigate Bennish
some what intensely and asked that he take a paid
leave of absence while they continue to probe.
The investigation revolves around whether Bennish
violated the schools policy of "presenting a balanced point of view."

Can you hear that? That is the sound of me falling out
of my chair, rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off!
It is such a contradiction. In playing the recording on the air
Allen's father failed to present both sides. Rather he failed to
"present a balanced point of view." Bennish cannot defend himself
if he isn't taking part in the interview and the entire tape is not
being played.

Furthermore, these parents never discussed the curriculum
with Bennish. They never raised the issue with the principal
or even the school board. Nope. Straight to the radio station they went.

I understand that a UCLA Alumnus group was actually offering
$100.00 per taped evidence of any professor's leftist rant.
Maybe I have watched Swing Kids to many times! Doesn't
this entire incident only support the media's interpretation of
Bennish's (tenuous) comparison between Bush and Hitler?

If you really want to punish the guy, don't send him on paid leave.
Send him hunting with Dick Cheney!! (No, that will never get old)

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