Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stop Stalking Me!

The internet is getting kind of scary all together.
This morning a co-worker of mine informed me that you can
actually check to see when, where and for how long someone
checked your email message for. That is a little much. I don't
think I even want to know! This site is is
encouraging this bizarre stalker culture. How accurate can that
be anyway? I leave my gmail open all day! Somedays my responses
are faster then others because I don't have a ton of work.

If you used this stupid thing, you would think I was looking
at your email all day. Wow, we must be the most distrustful nation
ever. If someone says they didn't get my email, or they accidentally
deleted it or whatever, I will take their word for it. Why is it necessary to
know all this? Doesn't anyone have a life anymore? This is becoming so
frightfully unhealthy.

Where is the privacy? My co-worker also introduced me to the website In fooling around with the site, while getting
some work done this morning, I was pleased to find that the information
provided was totally inaccurate. This particular site provides
unlisted home address, phone numbers and email for free.
If the number is unlisted wouldn't you think there is a reason?
I 'm really developing a love hate relationship with the net these days.
Not only is this all very disrespectful of personal privacy, but
think of the individual security breeches. Christ, does everyone
need to have all this information about me?


Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said... This site here provides the type of panties a girl is wearing the same day.

Ali Hope said...

For the love of GOD!

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