Friday, March 24, 2006

Well, no One Ever Said I was Graceful!

Okay, so I’ve long since come to the realization that I’m far
more quirky then graceful. This week, I’ve managed to actually
get scolding coffee up my nose, broken my little toe (again) and
I’ve managed to get sick. This past weekend while trying to look
cute, I went to take a sip of my drink and yes…I got the straw up
my nose! It’s not the first time that has happened though.
At least I managed to narrowly escape being hit in the face by a pigeon,
which not be the first time that has happened either. I remember
when I was driving back to Boston (from Philadelphia) with my friend
Dave a bird committed suicide by flying into his windshield.

Do these things happen to anyone else or should I be walking
around with some kind of caution sign on my back? Before I write
anything of relevance I felt that I needed to get that off my chest,
so thanks for hearing me out. In the words of Elaine Benice
"All right, all right, look, I don't have grace, I don't want grace,
I don't even say grace, okay?”

1 comment:

Ali Hope said...

Hah, yeah I can relate to that one. Or what's better is when you think you see someone you know and you start shout to them. Only when they turn around it's to shoot you a look like who the hell are you? You got the wrong person jerk!

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