Thursday, March 30, 2006

MySpace is Your Space

By now it’s no secret that schools, employers, parents and
authorities alike peruse the site. I still cannot understand
why the hell some people post pictures or blogs knowing full
well anyone could potentially find it. I said it once and I’ll say
it again, IT IS PUBLIC! Meaning, if you post a picture of yourself
drinking a beer or smoking a bong and your only 14 year old, you can
get nabbed for underage drinking. If you tag a wall and take pictures
of it, you could be nailed for vandalism. While I don’t believe in
censorship, in fact I think a strong adverse reaction is nearly
guaranteed, I think people need to exercise better judgment.

There have been numerous sexual attacks and murders
steaming from the social network. In many cases while
Myspace claims to be on the look out for pornography,
profanity and other such inappropriate things on profiles
(especially those of miners), I personally have yet to see it.
Frankly, it’s really annoying. I swear the majority of people
are naked, okay at least half naked! You might as well just google
some porn, be forewarned that google may cough up your name
to the feds though!

Isn’t anyone interested in having privacy anymore? In actuality
I don’t want to see pictures of the guy I broke up with or my
ex-roommate’s inferred porno tape. Have we all gotten that
freaking trashy? I find myself less and less interested in this
site and more interested in going out and having a life! It’s a
great tool for staying in touch with friends. For those who
can’t seem to keep it in their pants, you’re annoying the hell
out of the rest of us. Some people may have actually used this
as a social networking site and not a free personal ad space!

From what I’ve been hearing the site stands a good chance of
being shut down for not enforcing their censorship procedures.
It has also been reported that terrorist groups like Al Qaeda are
using the site for information. I’m not sure if I believe that or not.
Either way, privacy and freedom of speech are about to change.

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