Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wait, Bush's Approval Ratings are Down? Get the Hell out!

This makes me laugh. Why is this even making news?
I've been told by several people that Bush only "won"
(I use the term loosely) because he had the likeability
factor. "He came across as the guy you would want to
get a beer with." I've actually heard this from several people.

In my opinion he is the moron that starts a fight at the bar.
He is the guy who gets everyone kicked out of the bar!
The kind of guy who puts beer nuts up his nose,
only to have them surgically removed later because
they got stuck.

The Gallup poll is reporting his approval ratings have sunk to 45%.
Ummm, isn't that still a little high? Does any one remember
the war going in Afghanistan oops I mean Iraq? What about
the terrorists we still haven't caught? Oh yeah, then there was
that whole natural disaster thing that leveled New Orleans and
surrounding areas. What about appointing conservative fanatics
to the supreme court? While Roe V Wade has yet to be overturned
I fear it's in the near future. Especially if the anti-abortion law
which South Dakota is attempting to pass, goes to the Supreme Court.

I cannot stand the sight of him and or his skuzzy, rightist,
conspiring, dishonest, constituents. I was not a huge fan of Kerry,
but I think he would have done better. I think Cookie Monster
would have done better actually! In fact since Cookie Monster
slimed down he could have worked with the FDA
on tackling the obesity issue in the states.

Hello McFly, what exactly has this administration done? Well aside
from sucked a fat one? None of this should really be a shock though.
Check out "Project for a New American Century." This document
was created by a conservative think tank, headed by the tin man
himself (Cheney). It included other scary republicans
like Wolfowitz and Rumsfield. In any event, it's not a document
I suggest reading if you would like to go to sleep tonight.
It pretty much outlines this war from A-Z.
Are four years up yet?


Chris said...

First of all I agree with you. Bush and all his political pundits walk through the halls of the White House with impunity, they act as if there isn't a damn thing wrong with the way they have handled several major issues. The war in Afghanistan, and in Iraq. The whole Katrina mess. The outing of Valerie Plame, the domestic spy controversy. You name it they have propigated it, then decline to discuss it.
The news services try to get exclusive interviews with this idiot(Bush) but they have to have all their questions prescreened before the interview takes place so as not to have the President talk about something that may compromise the safety of the American people....give me a break. They outed one of their own spies for christsakes, and not only did they expose her, but they exposed many,many secret issues to our enemies.
Bush sends our troops to the 2 war zones, then wants to pass legislation to cut their benefits. Jesus H these poor bastards aren't getting the medical aftercare when they come home wounded as it is. You made a good point....when is the four years gonna end.....not soon enough. Have a great day and good luck.


Ali Hope said...

Thanks so much Chris! Couldn't agree more. Very well said by the way :-)

Joaquin "The Rooster" Ochoa said...

Bush is the man! O.K. I just wanted to say something to get you on tilt. People have called me stupid and backwards, thus, I love Bush, too! O.K. I was really trying to tilt you there. Bush would read this and smirk and say, come on, let's go get a beer and talk guns with Dick...wait, my homie the Dickster blasted a lawyer."

O.K. nuff said.

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